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Excellent Customer Experiences Made Easier

At Qmatic, our aim is to connect people to the services they need most. But, with our blog, were we keeping customers and partners fully connected to the service and value we provide? Could we do better? In answering those questions, we’ve reimagined our blog to make it even more accessible and valuable to our readers.

Within our world of great customer experiences and customer journey management, we want to help make life simpler, easier and ultimately better. That’s why we’re refocusing our blog on keeping our customers and partners up to date with what’s going on while making sure we communicate the full value to you and your end-users. In short, we want to make valuable information easier to find and act upon.

Of course, we’ve communicated through our Content Hub and blog for years. But this is a sharpening of the focus to make sure readers are fully covered regarding three important areas – Knowledge, Product Updates and Qmatic itself. Let’s take them one by one so you can get a feel for the different areas.


… is power. And, like all good clichés, it’s absolutely true. In our relaunched blog, we’ll bring industry insights and trends into view. While sharing our own knowledge about customer challenges and solutions. Here, we want to empower our readers and give them that crucial competitive edge.

Product Updates

We want to keep customers informed about important product releases and updates. Not just for performance and security reasons, but also to give them a clearer idea of the new possibilities and value within their solution. From how you can create even better customer experiences to improved employee experience and greater operational efficiency. The information will be technical where it’s needed but always accessible with a simple explanation of what this means to you and your operation.

Qmatic Insights

This will help us communicate what is happening at Qmatic so you’re fully in the picture. Qmatic Insights is a channel to share company news like press releases, as well as connecting us to the employees of the future. Because we want to keep attracting the best minds and talents to our business – and yours!

With these focus areas, we hope you’ll feel closer and more connected to Qmatic than ever before – and better able to gain full value from our products and services. You can also follow our blog updates and the latest news via social media on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.


And please don’t hesitate to contact us to give feedback or if there’s anything you’d like us to cover. This is your blog and your content after all!